Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some older stuff from this year

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Pillar of Sharks

line art ^^

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This unusual rock formation lies in wait for unsuspecting travelers.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

One of three logos I have been hired to design.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Basically I got to thinking that I should probably use a different outlet to to present my work that isn't face book, web sites are to difficult to manage so a blog seems like the best solution. Plus I can say a little somthin somthin about the pieces I upload maybe give my a characters a little back story purely for the entertainment of the very few viewers that will most likely care about this. In the end this will just be a nice place to document my progress as I produce collage level illustrations and considering the fact that in college I will be hundreds of miles away from the majority of my friends this will allow yall to keep tabs on my whereabouts. As I progress I hope to display art work that is perhaps up for sale seeing as this is my only talent/skill and it has to be lucrative or else I will probably starve to death. Keep in mind that I plan on being famous so if you get a Jeff Ockerse original plan on it being worth billions upon my death. I'm also down with commission work so long as the work you need done fits some what in my artistic niche so don't go asking me to paint an oil portrait of your dog or you will be sorely disappointed by the outcome.

p.s show yah boi some love, n rate my art at just click the link bellow and fill out how many monkeys you think my art is worth